Seville, Spain (04/22/2015 – 04/25/2015)

On Wednesday when I got back from my trip, I walked into my room and my bed was covered with three flamenco dresses. After dinner my host mom came into the room and had me try on the various dresses to see which one fit the best. I really liked a red one that she had but it was so long that I would have dragged it on the streets. Finally, she put a black polka dot dress on me and had me wear a pair of her wedges. Nani did up my hair with two fake flowers, gave me necklaces and earrings, and even lent me a jacket to wear. Walking in the outfit to meet up with my friends was quite the experience. I felt like I looked like a Spaniard but in reality, I probably looked like a tourist that was trying too hard to fit in. Regardless, I feel extremely lucky that I had the opportunity to wear a Feria dress.


At Feria, there were the casetas, which are tents that line the streets where people socialize and dance, and there was the carnival. It was a little strange to see the women and girls in their flamenco dresses going on rides and eating fair food. My friend and I split a jar of the official drink of Feria, called Rebujito. From what I could tell, it was a mixture of white wine and 7up. Over the next several days, we would go to the carnival part during the day and then go to the casetas at night. Unfortunately, bad luck struck me again and my wallet was pick pocketed in a public caseta. I don’t know how I have managed to survive the cities that are well known for pick pocketing (Barcelona, Paris, Rome), yet I have now been the victim twice in Sevilla. It really sucks but I am trying to remain positive and enjoy my last month in Spain, even if I only have 7 euro to my name until my new debit card arrives…

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